As a company that leads its industry, we are acutely aware of our impact on the community and the public. Therefore, we take our corporate responsibility very seriously. This responsibility includes but is not limited to our philanthropic, educational, resource-based, and environmental commitments.

Corporate Profile

Company Culture & Charity

John Barnes Group maintains the highest standards of workmanship and customer service to ensure that all our customer’s security and safety needs are met. This flows onto a general duty of care to our community and beyond.

John Barnes Group respects the cultures and practices of all employees, customers and shareholders; and proactively engages in activities that contribute to the community. We deliver this by donations of money or goods to a selection of charitable organisations and other local community groups, as deemed fit.

Protection Of Natural Environment

John Barnes Group proactively works to protect the natural environment. Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint by curbing the consumption of resources such as paper, electricity, water, metals, fuel, cardboard, and electronics. In addition, we aim to recycle used resources where possible in support of a greener Earth.

Socially Responsible Behaviour Within The Supply Chain

John Barnes Group’s major suppliers are those that offer transparent sustainability reporting. We have aligned our operations and strategies to the United Nations Global Compact’s ten accepted principles, particularly in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Our company encourages socially responsible behaviour within its supply chain at all times. Overall, the promotion and protection of ethical operations are essential to John Barnes Group as a corporate entity.